Flask User Authentication Steps

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The user authentication process described in Chapter 8 of Miguel Grinberg’s book is quite complicated. The flask-login plugin makes it a little simpler. Here are the steps it takes to create a basic login and logout system.

  1. Add password_hash field to User model, and add a @password.setter property and a verify_password method to the User model.
  2. Add UserMixin to User model. The UserMixin is defined in flask-login plugin.
  3. Initialize login_manager in app/__init__.py like any other flask plugin.
  4. In base.html template file, add links for login and logout. The links will show up for all pages of the site.
  5. Add login view function.
    • It needs a LoginForm form class.
    • And it needs a auth/login.html template file.
    • It calls login_user of flask-login to do the actual log in work.
  6. The logout view function is simpler. It calls logout_user to do the work and no template is need.

Page 113 of the book has an excellent description on how flask-login works.

The user registration process is simpler. It is a typical form collecting data from a user and saving the data in a database. Here are the steps.

  1. Add a link on the login template page for user registration.
  2. Create a register view function.
    • The function needs a RegistrationForm class.
    • It needs a template to show the form.
    • It will initialize a user instance and commit it to the db.

User email confirmation logic is not very difficult. The system sends an email to a user during registration. The email contains a link to a view function that changes a field of User model in the database. The interesting part is that user id is not passed around in text, instead it is encoded into tokens. Below are the steps.

  1. Modify the User model.
    • Add a confirm boolean field.
    • Add two methods generate_confirmation_token and confirm
  2. Send an email in register view function.
    • The email does not need forms, but it needs templates.
    • Email has link to a confirm view function and contains token
  3. Add a confirm view function
    • The function has a <token> as a variable.
    • It calls current_user.confirm method to change db field.

If the user confirms, everything is good. But the system needs to consider what happens when a user does not confirm. The idea is to check every request, and to show an unconfirmed page when necessary. The pages has a link to resend the confirmation email.

There is also a flask-user plugin that is widely used.