Git Command Reference

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This note is from Corey Schafer’s Youtube Git Tutorial. A viewer posted the note under the video and I copied it as a starting point for this post. I will add more contents to this post over time.

On initial install:

git --version
checks the version of the installed locally git
git config --global “Your Name”
sets up the name of the user
git config --global “”
sets email
git config --list
lists configurations

For help on commands:

git <verb> --help
help info
git help <verb> (e.g. git help config)
alternative help command

For initializing the project:

git init
initializes the git repo in the current folder
touch .gitignore
creates a git ignore file
git status
check working tree - both on the git and on local

Add and remove from staging area:

git add -A
adds all files to staging area
git reset <file>
removes file in staging area

Make a commit:

git commit -m “commit message”
-m is for message

Check log:

git log
renders commit ids, authors, dates

Discard changes in working dir:

git reset --hard
discard changes in all files. If you accidently delete some files, the command will bring them back.

Clone a remote repo:

git clone <url> <dir>
clone a repo from url to dir

View info about the repo:

git remote -v
lists info about the repo
git branch -a
lists all branches

View changes:

git diff
shows the difference

Pull and push:

git pull origin master
pull before push
git push origin master
origin is remote repo, master is the branch

First time to push a branch:

git push -u origin <branch name>
-u has special meaning
git branch <branch name>
create a branch:
git checkout <branch name>
checkout a branch
git checkout master
switch to master

Merge a branch:

git pull origin master
pull from origin
git branch --merged
see which branches are merged
git merge <name of the branch to merge>
merge a branch onto current one
git push origin master
push to upstream

Delete a branch:

git branch -d <name of the branch>
this deletes branch locally
git branch -a
check repo branches
git push origin --delete <name of the branch>
this deletes branch from remote repo

Have a local project, push it to github

Create a github repo without, .gitignore, and license files. Then run below commands.

git init
git add -A
git status
git commit -m “first commit”
git remote add origin <repo addr>
git remote -v
git push origin master

Push your repo to a central server in a bare repo

This blog post has detailed steps. The important step is to run this command after you create the central repo.

git --bare init
run this command for the central repo before pushing

Remove files from staging area

This is the command to unstage all files from staging area according to this stackoverflow answer.

git reset HEAD -- .
unstage all files
git reset HEAD -- path/to/file
unstage one file