Create Static Website With Pelican And Bootstrap

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This website is created with Pelican and Bootstrap, both of which are open-source software. When I am learning Django web framework, I want to create a blog site to write down some notes. A blog site with 50-500 articles does not need full scale Django back-end. My original plan is to write some python scripts calling Django Template system and python Markdown package. Then I find Pelican which includes Jinja2 Template system, Markdown, and many other functions. It does what I want to do and much more.


Pelican is a static website generator written in Python. When a web server is running Django or Flask framework, the server creates an html page and sends it back to client as the response to a request. If a developer chooses a static site generator like Pelican, html pages are created during development. When a web request comes to a server, the serve fetches pre-generated static html page and sends it back. The response cycle is simpler and faster. The drawback is that the website is static. It does not receive or collect input from a user.

This full stack python article is an excellent tutorial on Pelican. The Pelican documentation site is a good reference. The fast way to learn Pelican is to look at code of two included themes “simple” and “notmyidea”. To get started, you can write a few blog posts in markdown format and utilize the built-in theme “simple” to generate a site. The markdown guide website has a nice summary of basic syntax.

The figure below roughly describes how pelican works. Pelican reads markdown files and theme files into memory and produces html pages. The theme files work as templates for html output. Some theme files correspond to multiple outputs, while others only relate to one output file.

How Pelican Work

The Pelican source code consists of 14 python files (version 4.0.1). The source files has 5,670 lines of code. It is a good median size code base to study if you are looking for python project to work on. I have not read all pelican source code yet.

# bash command to tally pelican source code lines
find . -maxdepth 1 -name '*.py' -exec wc -l '{}' +

Bootstrap 4

There is an excellent pelican-bootstrap3 theme in the pelican-themes repo. The original author of the theme did a nice work of including lots of bootstrap features into the theme.

Bootstrap 4 has been released for a while, so I decide to use Bootstrap 4 and create a theme for this website. Whenever I am not sure about a certain pelican theme feature, I check the code of the “pelican-bootstrap3” and start from there.

Another nice pelican theme is pelican-subtle. The Markdown code style on this website is copied from pelican-subtle. I also read the code of this theme to get a better understanding on how pelican and pelican theme work.

I changed the Bootstrap 4 default colors on the webiste. Another website has a Bootstrap theme kit if you want to customize Bootstrap locally.

The theme of this website has the following color variables:

// _variables.scss 
$blue: #990000;
$green: #720027;
$cyan: #ce4257;
$yellow: #ff9b54;
$pink: #4f000b;
$font-size-base: 1.1rem;
$h4-font-size: $font-size-base * 1.1;
$h5-font-size: $font-size-base * 1.0;
$h3-font-size: $font-size-base * 1.4;
$h2-font-size: $font-size-base * 1.6;
$h1-font-size: $font-size-base * 1.8;
$h6-font-size: $font-size-base;
$paragraph-margin-bottom: 1.1rem;
$print-page-size: letter;

The pelican-theme github repo collects many themes. However, it seems to me that few of them are of professional quality. The possible reason is that most themes are produced by hobbyists during spare time.

The three images on the homepage are downloaded from, which is a very nice website for free photos. The icons on the Projects page are from, and are modified with GIMP. The favicon is generated and downloaded from website. Some vector graphics are downloaded from

Invoke Package

Invoke package “is a Python task execution tool and library”. It is similar to GNU Make program, but the script is written in Python. The file is an equivalent of Makefile for GNU Make.

I usually install Invoke package along with pelican and Markdown packages in a python virtual environment.

python -m venv ~/.venv/pelican
source ~/venv/pelican/bin/activate
pip install pelican Markdown invoke ghp-import2

The pelican-quickstart command will create a file in the project directory. One nice feature of Invoke is that you can run multiple tasks in one command. The command below cleans the output directory, rebuilds the project, and serves the website at http://localhost:8000 address.

invoke clean build serve

Website Source Code

This website is hosted in Github Pages, which is a free service for static sites. Source code of this website including markdown files and bootstrap 4 theme files are available in this github repository. The gh-pages branch of the same repository contains generated html files of the website. I followed this pelican documentation page and utilized ghp-import python package to streamline the publication process.

I use the following commands to update posts and github repo.

source  # load virtual env
invoke clean build
git status
git add -A
git commit -m "commit message"
git push origin master # update source code

ghp-import output -b gh-pages
git push origin gh-pages

This github page has a nice summary of common github commands.

Future Blog Plan

My future plan for the blog is to write about one post per month. That comes to about 12 posts per year. My goal is to write at least 6 posts per year even I am busy at work. Another goal is to keep the blog running for at least 10 years, so we will see if the site has 60 posts in the year 2029.

This site does not track who is reading or visiting. It does not have Google Analytics or similar services to track users.