Python Logging Module

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This is the first post of 2022. I haven’t updated the blog site for a while. This is new year and new start, and I wish to spend more time on Python.


The Python logging module deserves more time and I am doing a little more research into this module. Here are some useful links regarding the module.

Those two youtube videos by Corey Schafer are excellent introduction to the module.

Logging Basics - Video

Logging Advanced - Video

Those two videos cover the most contents in the official Python How-To article. The How-to article is written by the logging module author Vinay Sajip. The official Python documentation also has a Logging Cookbook article.

Logging How-To

Logging Cookbook

A 2018 PyCon presentation by Mario Corchero is also very nice. PyCon talk video is usually better than other youtube teaching videos. Mario Corchero also writes an article which is published on

Mario Corchero - Effortless Logging - Video

A Guide to Logging in Python

The Python logging module has three files (see below) and the documentations for them are listed below.

logging — Logging facility for Python

logging.config — Logging configuration

logging.handlers — Logging handlers

Source Code

The Python version 3.9.7 is installed in my Ubuntu linux computer. The Python is installed via a tool pyenv and the files are in the ~/.pyenv directory.

Here is the bash command to find out where the logging module is located.

$ find ~/.pyenv -type d -name "logging"

Here is a command to list number of lines in the logging module files.

$ find . -name '*.py' -exec wc -l '{}' + | sort -n
   945 ./
  1544 ./
  2220 ./
  4709 total

The source code is well written and well organized. The __init__ module defines most classes like LogRecord, Formatter, Filter, Filterer, Handler, Manager, Logger, and RootLogger. It also defines several global variables and functions like root (variable), basicConfig, getLogger, and info. The root logger is an instance of RootLogger class. The code is on line 1900 (version as shown below.

root = RootLogger(WARNING)
Logger.root = root
Logger.manager = Manager(Logger.root)

The Manager class instance holds a dictionary of all loggers and it is saved as a class variable of the class Logger. The key of the dict is the name of the logger (like ‘A.B.C’) and the value is the logger itself. The doc string of the Manager class is,

There is [under normal circumstances] just one Manager instance, which holds the hierarchy of loggers.

If we have those two lines of code in a module, the logger A.B will become parent of A.B.C. If we don’t have a logger ‘A’, the class will create a PlaceHolder instance. The purpose of the hierarchy is that if we do not attach a handler for abc logger, it will use the handler of its parent to handle a LogRecord instance. The root logger sits on the top of the hierarchy.

ab = getLogger('A.B')
abc = getLogger('A.B.C')

The getLogger function in the __init__ module looks like this,

def getLogger(name=None):
    Return a logger with the specified name, creating it if necessary.

    If no name is specified, return the root logger.
    if not name or isinstance(name, str) and name ==
        return root
    return Logger.manager.getLogger(name)

The getLogger(self, name) method in the Manager class is essentially like the code below. If the logger is in the dict, it returns the logger. It it is not, the method creates a Logger instance and saves it in the dict.

loggerDict = {}
if name in self.loggerDict:
    rv = self.loggerDict[name]
    rv = Logger(name)
    self.loggerDict[name] = rv
return rv

A logger method like warning will call the _log method in the Logger class. The _log method then calls makeRecord and handle method. The makeRecord method creates an instance of LogRecord class, and the handle method calls callHandlers method, which “loops through all handlers for this logger and its parents in the logger hierarchy”.

There are lots of details hiding in those classes and functions. The above description gives you a general idea of the logging module.

The file has configuration related classes and functions, and the file has additional handlers. The __init__ module defines two common handlers StreamHandler and FileHandler.